The money is excellent for strategic planners, strategic managers, and strategic consultants. Of the three areas in strategic management the opportunities for strategic managers and strategic consultants are the best. The ranks of managers are growing in small-to medium size firms and in the service industry. Companies are in search of managers that understand strategic issues and can help them compete in today's global environment. Consulting is one of the most sought after jobs by college graduates and MBAs.
Average salaries for associate level and manager level strategy personnel can range from $80,000 to $160,000. Most strategic managers can also receive additional income in the form of stock options, bonuses, company cars, club memberships or expense accounts. Other top level managers can earn over $150,000. CEOs can earn as high as $2.5 million with stock options and bonuses.
At the director and VP level, strategic planners can earn from $100,000 to over $250,000. You can expect strategic planners' salaries to be in line with other functionally oriented managers in a firm with similar experience levels and title.
Strategic consultants start at $50,000 to $90,000 with some as high as $110,000 right of college with mid-year and end-of-year bonuses. Salaries depend upon whether you start for a small or large management consulting firm. Pay can be expected to increase 20 percent per year. Junior partners earn in excess of $250,000 plus bonuses and shares in the firm. Senior partners earn from $500,000 to $1,500,000, with long-term senior partners earning salaries in excess of $2 million.
Overview | Skills & Talents | Job Options | Salaries | Facts & Trends